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Practice Success Tip

Do you want to improve your retention?

What do you do when a patient misses an appointment? Do you simply continue on with your day and hope the patient will call to reschedule when they have time? Or, do you have a system in place to reach out to and reschedule that patient?
Implementing a recall program gives you this system and opportunity, and helps to prevent patients from falling out of care.
A recall program is the process of regular follow-up
 and rescheduling of missed appointments. Missed appointments mean less practice volume and lower patient retention, which can affect your bottom line. You should attempt to reschedule 75% within the same week in order to keep patients healthy and happy, and your visits maximized.

A successful recall program begins as soon as a patient is 15 minutes late for an appointment. Your ultimate goal is to reach the patient, remind them of their appointment, have them come into the office, or reschedule a make-up appointment during the same week.

Missed appointments are a fact of life, but if you implement the correct processes, patients are back and on their way to becoming happy, healthy, referring patients!

This is a proven program for greater retention in your practice. Get started today!

  • Implement a recall log to act as a communication hub for your recall program.

  • Use proactive scripting for calls to the patient and for common reasons the patient may miss the appointment, for instance, the patient is sick, on vacation, or busy with work.

  • Use a customized recall letter highlighting the benefit of the patient’s treatment plan.

  • Implement a follow-up system for patients who are unable to reschedule an immediate appointment.


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